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Keeping Your Dog Cool in the Summer Months


Keeping your dog cool in hot weather is so important to reduce the risk of your dog suffering from heatstroke. To help you stay on top of things, we've put together our top summer dog care tips, so you can enjoy the summer months with your best friend safely. 


Set up a shaded area in the garden and make sure that they have access to water at all times. You could even get a paddling pool for them to splash around in and have some fun! If you don't have a garden, make sure that if you do have to go outside, then you are in a shaded area at all times. Some types of dog are more prone to heatstroke, like very old or young dogs, dogs with thick, heavy coats or dogs with very short flat faces like pugs and bulldog types. Dogs with certain diseases or on some types of medication are also more at risk. 

 Symptoms to look out for include:

  • Panting
  • A staring or anxious expression
  • Failure to respond to commands
  • Warm, dry skin
  • Extremely high temperature
  • Dehydration
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Collapse.


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What Makes Dogs Really Happy?

08 Happy Bodhi

A question that most dog owners really want to know the answer to, how do we make our fur-kids happy? Are we giving them the best life we can?

Dogs need way more than a biscuit and a walk around the block to keep them happy. They are team-players and problem solvers by nature, with an intelligence that far supersedes our comprehension. There are so many ways to make your dog happy -  They are extremely optimistic animals after all. In fact, they are way more positive than humans and we could learn a thing or two about the grateful and 'in the moment'  attitude of a dog! I love ALL THINGS DOG! Having spent lots of time researching dogs and how they think and behave and applying lots of these tips to Bodhi,  here are some of the main things that I recommend you do to keep your fur-kid happy. 


Exercise… And plenty of it!

This one is a no brainer really; it comes with the territory of dog ownership and is something that we must give to them every single day. The chance to run free and enjoy the big world!  Exercise for your dog really isn't optional, you must walk your dog every single day. It is not OK to let them wander around a garden. They need so much more than that. Dogs must have daily exercise. A great exercise routine, appropriate to your dogs age, breed and size will have him really loving life. Lack of exercise leads to weight gain, boredom and no outlet to relieve stress or anxiety.

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Why Sleep Is So Important For Dogs

sleeping-dog-wallpaper-40232-41170-hd-wallpapers Sleepy Dog!

Why Sleep Is So Important For Dogs

There is nothing more comforting after a long walk with your beloved companion, than to hear the sweet sound of him or her, snoring peacefully in their bed!  Knowing why sleep is so important for your dog will help you to make the best choices in terms of what dog bed to buy and how often your dog needs to rest.

Dogs on average will spend 12-14 hours sleeping per 24 hour period. This is an indication of a healthy pup and whilst some dog owners will think that their dog is being lazy, rest assured this is perfectly normal – There is a lot of work going on inside the dogs body whilst he is sleeping! Whilst the dog is sleeping, just like humans, he will have various sleep cycles which include REM ( rapid eye movement sleep) and will also enter a deep sleep where the body will start to restore and repair cells, promote growth and keep your dog healthy mentally and physically.

Not Enough Sleep?

Research suggests that a dog who does not get enough sleep, will suffer from a weakened immune system and be much more prone to illness, than those dogs who rest and sleep more frequently. Depending on the age size and breed of your dog, will depend on how much sleep he or she should have. Smaller/medium sized dogs like Bodhi, tend to need much less sleep than larger dogs, like say a Labrador or a Great Dane. Elderly dogs will spend much of the day sleeping outside of walks and exercise, this is perfectly normal and the same goes for puppies. Puppies for the first year of their lives will need sleep on a regular basis to grow and develop, much the same as human babies. This sleep is crucial for them to be able to grow and can significantly affect their behaviour, especially when needing the focus for concentration on obedience and other training.

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Choosing The Perfect Bed For Your Dog

mocha_snuggle_2_1800x1800 Found the pawfect bed!


Dogs are active animals who enjoy exploring, sniffing and playing, but it's also really important for them to get enough rest. As dog owners, we can help our dogs get the important downtime they need by making sure they have somewhere quiet and comfortable to snooze without any disturbances. Dogs can’t tell their ‘paw-parents’ what bed is right for them or if they are uncomfortable, so it really is up to owners to get it right and ensure they are buying a comfortable dog bed with the right information to provide their dog with what they need. Even if you let your dog sleep with you (as I do Bodhi), every dog should have a bed of their own or two or three, actually.

Unlike the floor, a bed will keep your dog warm, support his or her joints, prevent calluses on joints and provide a safe space that they can have to themselves. I have a bed in a few rooms around the home so Bodhi can have the choice as to where she goes. Most of the time though, she will gravitate towards the bed which happens to be in the same room that I am in – No surprise there!

How To Choose A Dog Bed

There are many different types of beds available. If you watch your dog sleep, you'll notice they get into lots of different positions: stretched out, curled up, on their back - even on their belly with their hind legs stretched out, like Superman! Sometimes this can be trial and error, especially if you have a new dog. It is very much dependent on their size, breed and age. What size bed should I get?

It is very important to make sure you chose the right size bed for your dog. It should be large enough for them to be able to lie comfortably in all natural positions. Some beds might be big enough for your dog to curl up, but can they also stretch out their legs if they want to? They will need the support for fully stretching out comfortably, this is important to support their joints and for proper blood circulation to aid rest and recovery.

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Keeping your dog cool in hot weather is so important to reduce the risk of your dog suffering from heatstroke. To help you stay on top of things, we've put together our top summer dog care tips, so you can enjoy the summer months with your best frien...
A question that most dog owners really want to know the answer to, how do we make our fur-kids happy? Are we giving them the best life we can? Dogs need way more than a biscuit and a walk around the block to keep them happy. They are team-players and...
Why Sleep Is So Important For Dogs There is nothing more comforting after a long walk with your beloved companion, than to hear the sweet sound of him or her, snoring peacefully in their bed!  Knowing why sleep is so important for your dog will ...

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Pawfect Sleep

Folkestone, Kent, UK
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